Saturday, November 15, 2008

How Do SpiderWeb Make Money?

Alright, to those out there still with a question as to how SpiderWeb Marketing System actually works, stay with me till the end as I explain it.

...It all started with the popular search engines. Let's take for example, Google. Now Google is the most popular search engine currently existing on the internet. Google Inc. made billions of dollars selling ad space. The problem is, with trillions of ads under its wings, Google is finding it increasingly difficult to obtain viewership for all of it.

So the solution that Google takes is to post these ads in websites. A very rational decision, as websites tend to have their own theme and relevant viewership. Of course, there is also the added advantage of popularity. Now, the websites that offer Google space to place its ads are certainly not doing it for free. Google compensates them, based on the popularity of the website and how much leads and consumer it can generate.

In a bid to be the most popular website, the website that can generate the largest number of viewers, users and consumers, some websites have taken revolutionary steps. They will PAY you to use their services, to come over to their website. They will PAY you to get more people to use their services and often, you won't even have to spend a dime playing around on their website. You get the benefits of free services + $$ for using their services and getting your friends to use their services.

"That's just impossible, who would be stupid enough to give money away for free?!"

Hold your horses there, buddy. If you think that it is impossible because you feel that they have something to lose, think again. As I have mentioned, companies like Google are paying these websites to have its ads posted. The more popular the website is, the more expensive the cost of putting those ads, am I right? So these websites obtain more money from Google as they get more popular and Google gets more money from the companies that subscribe to it as their ads obtain larger viewership....and these companies benefit by getting a larger audience which translates into more consumers. So, everyone's happy right?

No, not everyone is. Particularly these websites that have popped up with this revolutionary move (that is, paying its users to use its services). The problem is, it's a very recent trend. As such, it is not receiving much attention which will bring us into the role of the SpiderWeb Marketing System. However before going to the role of the SpiderWeb Marketing System, I would like to mention that the fact that this is a very recent trend is what makes it imperative to sign up and join in early. Since just like any other business, or should I say the rule of thumb in the business world, is that first movers have the biggest advantage. In fact in some countries such as Japan, being a first mover makes all the difference of whether you'll be grabbing everything or nothing at all (this is the case with Yahoo! in Japan). This trend also stands true on the internet. A first mover like Youtube is still enjoying the greatest portion of viewership compared to other streaming video sites despite having less features or less interesting features. So, of course, if you want to make it big in this new got to start early.

"OMG, is that true?! I would like want to know how get there!"

Alright, alright. So you're still not convinced? You want to know how the SpiderWeb Marketing System fits into the picture? Alright here's how:

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is simply a tool that helps you to network to some 22+ streams of income. They come from over a dozen of the kinds of website I mentioned above (yes, the websites that pays you for leads).

"So, what's in it for me?"

Alright, buddy. I'll tell you what's in it for you. When you use the SpiderWeb Marketing System, you have plugged yourself into the most powerful marketing system on the planet. Am I kidding? Nope, not in the slightest. You see, by having one channel to connect you to 22+ others that offer streams of income, it saves you a lot of hassle (and time, which is always a great thing), especially when it comes to referring others to the program. Now compare this:
(1) Without the SpiderWeb Marketing System, if you want to enjoy the same 22+ streams of income, you will have to go to all the websites individually. Yup, that's a right. It's not a simple mouse click away in this case. Also, if you were to refer others to use these websites, you would have to send them over a dozen links. You will easily be thought of as a spammer with bogus motives if you do that, don't you think so?
(2) With the SpiderWeb Marketing System, getting to the 22+ streams of income is really easy, it's only a mouse click away. Also, when you want to refer others to these 22+ streams of income (and hence get paid through these 22+ channels) you only need to get them to click on 1 link and tadaa!! It's great, its powerful, its simple and most important of all its FREE!! Yes, its FREE!!

"Enough with the explanations! I want it NOW!!!"

Of course, if you would want a better chance of making money, you might want to make a small investment of $10.

"That's it, you're a goddamm fraud, aren't you?!"

Wo, wo, wo...hold it right there buddy. As I said, "if". Besides, that small investment comes with good reasons. Can you tell me where you can sign up for your own domain name and your own website without having to spend a dime? I don't think I know. So, where would this investment of yours go? That's right, into getting your own domain name. Apparently, one of the channel under the SpiderWeb network is Global Domains International (GDI Inc.) and it is offering you, right now, your own domain and custom capture website for only $10. Yes, this is where your investment comes in. Think its too much? Think again, Global Domain International is offering you $100 for every 5 people that signed up for a domain through you (which you can simply do by getting them to get a SpiderWeb Marketing System). That would have more than overwrite your cost.

Think it's a good deal? Well, you'll be exhilarated when you hear this.
Besides the $100 bonus (yup, its only the bonus), you will be generating an income 5 levels deep and infinitely broad. The amount of money you can make depends on the number of referrals that you can get and the number of referrals that your referrals can get and so on and so forth until the 5th layer. So, how does it work? Alright, lets say you can yourself 4 leads, just 4. That's like getting 4 people to sign up for SpiderWeb Marketing System and they then opt to sign up for a GDI domain. Now each of these 4 referrals will generate another 4 and so on and so forth, 5 levels deep. Not difficult for an individual to get just 4 referrals per month, I believe. So long as you know where to get. Now, the formula for you income would be like this:

Layer ----- Leads
1 ---------- 4
2 ---------- 16 (4x4)
3 ---------- 64 (16x4)
4 ---------- 256 (64x4)
5 ---------- 1024 (256x4)
Your Income (month x): $1024 + bonus

Alright so, lets stretch this a little bit. Not to blow you away but lets say that you can get 10 referrals and each of your referral get another 10 referrals...

Layer ----- Leads
1 ---------- 10
2 ---------- 100 (10x10)
3 ---------- 1000 (100x10)
4 ---------- 10000 (1000x10)
5 ---------- 100000 (10000x10)

Your Income (month y): $100000 + bonus

As you can see, it gets kind of ridiculous. However, it is by no means impossible.

Also, don't forget that GDI is merely 1 of the over 22+ streams of income that you can plug into if you obtain the SpiderWeb Marketing System for FREE! Each of the other 22+ streams of income can offer you what GDI can and some, even much more (imagine if the residual income you're getting goes 18 levels deep. Yup, 18 levels). So what are you waiting for? Get your SpiderWeb Marketing System right now, while its still FREE. This is an opportunity not to be missed...


Alright, there you go and to your Success!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Spider Web Marketing System

Hi, guys! Say hello to the Spider Web Marketing System, your one stop hub to the Internet's wealth. Yup, I'm talking about money here, real $$$$. If you want to get your hands on some (I'm not trying to kid, but if I tell you how much you can make now, your mind would be blown!), check out this link.